Healing Minds NOLA


National Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Day October 7

Janet Hays interviews DJ Jaffe and Kimberly Blaker about an upcoming national day of action to urge Congress to pass House Resolution 2646–the “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act.” The bipartisan bill would introduce measures to help those with severe mental illnesses avoid bleak outcomes such as incarceration, hospitalization, homelessness, and death. Visit the

National Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Day October 7 Read More »

Mirandizing people with intellectual disabilities, interview by Gahiji Barrow with Janet Hays

Gahiji Barrow of WTUL News and Views interviews Janet Hays, Ann Morel, and Josephine Heller about the unfair criminalization of individuals with intellectual disabilities. Morel’s son Davey has an intellectual disability and was put at a disadvantage when interrogated by police without Morel or Heller, the family lawyer, present. The pair reached out to Hays

Mirandizing people with intellectual disabilities, interview by Gahiji Barrow with Janet Hays Read More »

Shoe theft allegation nets Alexander J. Bourne 9 months in jail

Janet Hays interviews Alexander J. Bourne about why he spent 9 months at Orleans Parish Prison over allegations of shoe theft. The pair discuss how unnecessarily long holding times for low-level crimes destroy the lives of those incarcerated and place a large burden on taxpayers. Listen to the full segment below. https://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2015/08/21/18776485.php

Shoe theft allegation nets Alexander J. Bourne 9 months in jail Read More »