Healing Minds NOLA

Sneak Preview! Zoom Cast Series 2020: Focus on Serious Mental Illness

Dear Valued Supporters,

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are unable to hold our annual fall conference in New Orleans this year. Despite this obstacle, Healing Minds NOLA is forging ahead! 

We are excited to announce the following series of Zoom discussions that will take place over the course of the next 4 months. Each discussion will focus on a different core topic related to overcoming barriers to treatment and care solutions for people living with untreated and undertreated serious mental illnesses. 


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Beginning July 10 2020, every other Friday @ 1pm CST, we will feature an interactive discussion with high profile subject experts. Events will be moderated by Janet Hays, Director (Healing Minds NOLA) and Eric Smith, Mental Health Advocate and Graduate Student. We are encouraging robust Q&A between guests and audience participants. 

We are thrilled that the Louisiana District Judges Association has agreed to endorse this important event.

Like our 2019 conference, the emphasis will be on programs, services and policies that have been implemented across the country to address the unsustainable economic and humanitarian challenges associated with neurological brain diseases. 

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Organizations and individuals impacted by the epidemic of untreated serious mental illness. Including: doctors, clinical psychologists, nurse practitioners, judges, family advocates, consumers, mental health care and industry professionals, policy makers, attorneys, business leaders, CIT trainers, coroners, EMS, police and sheriffs, managed care organizations, Assertive & Forensic Assertive Community treatment teams, Public Defenders, attorneys and District Attorneys, housing advocates and outreach workers, criminal justice reform advocates, social workers, the general public. 

Your support is invaluable as we work toward building stronger families and communities through inclusionary policies that create a full continuum of psychiatry care for people in the grips of serious mental illnesses. 

We cannot do this without your help. Please consider making a donation today.

Forging Ahead Together – The Time For Systems Reform Is NOW

All the very best!

Janet Hays

Director – Healing Minds NOLA



Healing Minds NOLA is a 501c3 non-profit charitable & educational organization dedicated to identifying & creating alternatives to incarceration, homelessness and early death for seriously mentally people.